Somatic Trauma Healing Step-by-Step

This course walks you through step-by-step exactly how to do Somatic Therapy from start to finish with each unique client you see. Part one teaches you foundational interventions for diverse clients and problems. Part two guides you to apply these skills directly to target implicit memories and dysregulated nervous systems. Lastly, Part Three teaches you how to do meaningful healing of deeply entrenched attachment wounds. You'll see in-session demos every step of the way!

A personal note from Abi:

Some of you have been asking questions about my new PESI three-part "Step by Step Somatic Therapy Training Program." I'd like to share my (very involved and in-depth) process in creating them. Honestly, I feel like they are important contributions to the field of Somatic Psychology, and I am quite proud of them - and grateful to all the people who contributed their session work and expertise.

I recorded 11 one-and-a-half somatic sessions with volunteers. Some were filmed online, and some in my office in Montana with a professional recording crew. You can't see it on the video, but my office had big lights, mics, and multiple cameras. I felt like a somatic rockstar! The volunteers were quite brave walking into that room and sharing their stories. Before I go on, let me take a moment to beam appreciation to all those who contributed. I also invited four somatic therapists to do exercises with me so that people could see other experts demonstrating somatic principles.

Then I transcribed each session, typing them out word for word on my laptop. From the text and observing the footage, I started to arrange theory, skills, and interventions that I used into the building block concepts of somatic therapies. I then "timestamped" volunteer footage that demonstrated real-world examples.

The final product is much like a patchwork quilt. You see most of the sessions completely but they are often out of time sequence because it's the skill that is pulled out that you observe. The skills and real-time interventions created my content and lecture. It was definitely a labor of love.

It is a mixed-modal somatic training and draws on a wide field of Somatic Psychology.

I hope you'll consider viewing it to acquire new skills as well as strengthen existing skills. Please consider it as a training any therapist you know could take to gain interest and insight into somatic therapies. But it's also deep enough that skilled somatic therapists will take away new information.


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