Articles, Podcasts, and Trainings
Below you will find an amazing list of podcast episodes, articles, YouTube videos, and other resources that are helpful and informative.
Be sure to also check out my Group Consultations and Live Demo workshops, live Workshops and Events, Somatic Experiencing® faculty trainings, and the Online Trainings page for training options that are always available.
The Couples Therapy Couch
Episode 212: Implicit Psychotherapy and Couples with Dr. Abi Blakeslee
In this episode, Shane talks with Dr. Abi Blakeslee about implicit psychotherapy and couples. Abi is the founder of Implicit Psychotherapy and senior faculty at Somatic Experiencing International. Hear how to help people find deeper healing, how implicit memory works, how somatic experiencing fits with implicit memories, how childhood trauma impacts relationships years later, and how small changes can make a big impact over time.
Cops Apologize After Surprise Active Shooter Drill Terrifies Students
“Students now live with a near-constant sense of dread and concern that past generations were not burdened with”, said Dr. Abi Blakeslee, the founder of Implicit Psychotherapy.
From Trauma to Triumph
with Wade Robson and James Safechuck
Without healing, traumatic experiences can have an enormous impact on defining who we are and who we will become. Hosted by Wade Robson and James Safechuck, both survivors of childhood abuse, the mission of their From Trauma to Triumph podcast is to highlight healing modalities, practices, and resources for trauma survivors, in order to inspire the brave steps to starting, or continuing, the healing journey.
Episode 10 - Dr. Abi Blakeslee and Dave Berger on Somatic Experiencing, a body-oriented trauma therapy. (Feb 2023)
In this episode we discuss the Somatic Experiencing therapeutic technique with two incredible guests Dr. Abi Blakeslee and Dave Berger.
Somatic Experiencing, SE for short, is a body-oriented therapeutic technique for healing trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, and has been clinically applied for more than four decades.
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Advanced Somatic Resolution Skills for Perinatal Trauma Videos
Four days of lectures, presentations and handouts
The workshop was held over four days in November 2022. There are 28 videos available (broken up into smaller 10-18 minute segments) covering all four days of the workshop. The slides presented live have been added to the videos, and the handouts are also available to follow along with. The breakout small group sessions were not recorded, but each is described for you to try on your own if you wish.
About the Course
Somatic trauma resolution practitioners are ideally trained to specialize in helping to prevent and heal birth trauma. Healing from these early imprints can be a game changer for healthy human development. In this workshop you will learn advanced somatic resolution skills for treating perinatal trauma. Treating birth trauma is more complex than shock trauma; it often brings up earlier and developmental traumas. It involves many people: the birthing parent, other parent or partner, the baby, and the birthing staff.
Restoring Your Body’s Compass - Overcoming People Pleasing and Perfectionism
Masterclass Video from Avaiya University (2022)
Interview with Abi Blakeslee
A&T London, March 2023
A More Beautiful Life Podcast - Episode 48
with Kate White and Abi Blakeslee
(July 2022)
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Patreon - help support Kate White
Buzzsprout - this site has links to additional podcast apps.
Conversation About Preventing and Healing Birth Trauma - Episode 50
In this podcast, Abi Blakeslee and Kate White have a conversation about preventing and healing birth trauma in preparation for their upcoming training in Advanced Somatic Resolution Skills for Perinatal Trauma.
(August 2022)
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Crisis First Aid: Supporting the Supporters with Dr. Abi Blakeslee
An Online Webinar Presented by Dr. Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D., SE™ International Faculty. This video is for anyone interested in learning theory and stabilization tools and seeing experiential exercises that put it all together.
This video is available in English and Magyar (Hungarian).
(May 2022)
Healing Trauma Summit 2022
Abi Blakeslee: An Introduction to Somatic Experiencing: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
Holistic Life Navigation Podcast -
[Ep. 70] The Biology Of Trauma & How Somatic Experiencing Helps | Dr. Abi Blakeslee
(December 2021)
Understanding that trauma is a biology, not a mindset, is what makes somatic therapy so unique and beautiful. Traditional talk therapies tend to focus on the events and identifying how we think and feel about them, but they don't ask us where we feel the events.
Trauma is not the event itself, it's the response to the event. I welcome Dr. Abi Blakeslee to my podcast to share her wisdom and insight around the biology of trauma and how that physical state of threat transforms into vitality through the practices of Somatic Experiencing.
The Threat of War: Somatic Rebalancing
Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Abi Blaskeslee. SEI Webinar 2022- Dealing with the Threat of War and Armed Conflict Series.
Around the world, people everywhere are being impacted by war, directly and indirectly, at any given time. Join us for this conversation with Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Abi Blakeslee as we create this special edition series of SE™ Community Conversations in which we will explore the ways in which war is impacting our communities, our sense of safety, and our collective futures. Founded by Peter, this organization exists to educate and support helpers around the planet who are serving in the trenches and supporting the hearts and minds of persons dislocated by the threat of war. We believe it is possible to shift the physiology of upset, anxiety, and panic so that people can experience relief through the application of SE-informed resources.
Sneaky Powerful - Hard and Sometimes Hilarious Stories of Healing
Sneaky Powerful is a podcast that explores the journey of healing from trauma. Through the perspective of Somatic Experiencing®, a naturalistic modality of trauma healing developed by Dr. Peter Levine, Ali Capurro, and her guests explore the process and intricacies of reclaiming vitality. Within these artful conversations, there are many threads, and specifically threads of hope, healing, and love.
In episode #5 (May 2022), Abi and Ali explore the ways Somatic Experiencing® supports our capacity to connect with beauty. In particular, Abi shares some of the ways embodiment can help people to connect with nature and the natural rhythms within each of us and around each of us. Abi also provides essential wisdom related to a return to source.
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Somatic Experiencing and Couples with Abi Blakeslee
The Couples Therapist Couch podcast (April 2022)
In our society, it is modeled from a very young age to suppress our emotional experience. This is traumatic for children in particular and for humans in general. Somatic experiencing is a type of therapy which helps people to become more embodied and move into acceptance of the emotions they are experiencing.
Dr. Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D., integrates Somatic Experiencing with clinical research, the psychobiological principles of attachment, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic bodywork in her practice and teaching. She has conducted original research on the role of implicit memory in Somatic Experiencing with a committee that included Dr. Daniel Siegel.
The Couples Therapist Couch is the podcast for Couples Therapists about the practice of couples therapy. The host, Shane Birkel, interviews an expert in the field of couples therapy each week.
Listen to this podcast through your favorite app (click the links below):
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Podcast Addict
A smarter approach to active shooter drills
The LA Times, April 18, 2022.
Trauma in our Schools
by Julia Wild; featuring Abi Blakeslee and SE
(September 2019)
The Neurophysiology of Individual and Collective Trauma
New Peer-Reviewed Academic Article, written by Abi Blakeslee and Glyndie Nickerson
NeuroPeace, an online, open-source series focusing on research and practice at the nexus of neuroscience and peacebuilding sponsored by MHCR has released its third volume "Trauma" written by Ali Jawaid and Isabelle Mansuy, Abi Blakeslee and Glyndie Nickerson, and MHCR Senior Research Professor Colette Rausch.
This article focuses on the neurophysiology of individual and collective trauma and offers peacebuilders, communities, and readers practical tools to recover from secondary (witnessed) or direct trauma.
Published May 31, 2021 in NeuroPeace Magazine no. 3
Episode 5: Translating the Impact of Trauma
When many people think of trauma, they think about the effect that it has on our mental wellbeing. However, not many people realize that trauma affects our physical bodies and health too. In this episode of the Think Peace Podcast, our host Colette Rausch sits down with psychologists Dr. Abi Blakeslee & Dr. Glyndie Nickerson to discuss trauma: What it is, how it affects us, what we can do about it, and the body-based trauma resolution approach known as Somatic Experiencing (SE). They discuss how interoception—the awareness of one’s own bodily sensations—can support trauma healing as it gives individuals access to their nonconscious memory and to signals between their brains and bodies that register whether they are safe or in danger.
(February 2021)
Peter, Abi, Dave, & Glyndie Lockdown pt 1
Join Dr. Levine and his Somatic Experiencing® Faculty as they discuss and demonstrate ways to soothe uncomfortable feelings associated with COVID-19.
40-minute lecture, including experiential exercises with Dr. Levine.
This program is forever free.
Be well during this time, Peter
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Episode 463: The Way of Somatic Experiencing
The Trauma Therapist Podcast, July 2020
Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D., integrates Somatic Experiencing with clinical research, the psychobiological principles of attachment, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic bodywork in her practice and teaching. She has conducted original research on the role of implicit memory in Somatic Experiencing with a committee that included Dr. Daniel Siegel.
Embodiment Video with Abi Blakeslee, PhD, LMFT, CMT, SEP, SE™ Faculty
(May 2020)
SE Community Convos #6 - Touching into the Resonance & the Art of Listening Kathy Kain, Abi Blakeslee, Glyndie Nickerson
Hosted by Amie Leigh, Director of Public Health Initiatives at SEI created this conversation series to explore prevalent topics in public health thru the lens of Somatic Experiencing© neurobiological approaches to trauma resolution. (May 2020)
Somatic Experiencing Abi Blakeslee and Joshua Sylvae
The Kiloby Center for Recovery. (Posted 2022)
Dr. Abi Blakeslee and Dr. Joshua Sylvae hold private practices and are SE Faculty Members at the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute as well as SE Legacy Faculty for Dr. Levine.
Attachment-Focused Somatic Experiencing
Secure Phylogenetic Attachment, Dyadic Trauma, and Completion Across the Life Cycle
by Joseph P Riordan SEP, MAPS; Abi Blakeslee SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D, Peter A Levine Ph.D. (2019)
International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, 7(3). 4-90.
Toddler Trauma
Somatic Experiencing, Attachment, and the Neurophysiology of Dyadic Completion
by Joseph P Riordan SEP, MAPS; Abi Blakeslee SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D, Peter A Levine Ph.D. (2017)
International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, 5(1). 41-70.
TU107: What is Somatic Experiencing With Guest Abi Blakeslee
In This Episode of Therapist Uncensored, co-host Sue Marriott explores Somatic Experiencing with Dr Abi Blakeslee. This interactive deep-dive takes you into the Somatic Experiencing process and provides hope and confirmation that healing trauma is possible through integrated treatment of the brain, the body, and the mind!(October 2019)
Addressing Secondary Trauma in the Workplace
Tools for Awareness, Self-Care, and Organizational Response in Montana.
Restoring the Nervous System. In K.E. Knight, C. Ellis, & A.K. Talcott (Eds.), Addressing Secondary Trauma: Tools for Awareness, Self-Care, and Organizational Response in Montana. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University.
Blakeslee, A. Clements, E., Ellis, C., Knight, K.E., McLane R., Osterloth, K., Powell, C., Saverud, A. Sherstand, A., Talcott, A.K., Young, K (2018).
Episode 14
Dr. Abi Blakeslee, Somatic Experiencing Therapy Trauma Institute
(Formerly, Beyond the Pink Cloud podcast)
It was a privilege to sit down with Dr. Abi Blakeslee, a multi-faceted individual gifted and well-versed in SE trauma therapy and a valued member of the faculty staff of the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and Foundation for Human Enrichment. Abi is a researcher as well as a therapist and faculty member, teaching SE all over the world. I am lucky to have her as my instructor in Somatic Experiencing training, and this conversation delves into some of my favorite topics, including nervous system regulation, simple strategies to begin practicing, orienting to pleasure, and the role of implicit memory in healing trauma and why this can be significant for recovering alcoholics. If you are interested in learning more about why bottom-up therapies are effective in healing trauma and overwhelm, I know you will enjoy the calm expertise Abi brings to the table in our conversation. (November 2019)
Listen to this podcast through your favorite app (click the links below):
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Podcast Addict
A Somatic Experiencing Approach to Working with Those Affected by the Australian Bushfires
This video is about A Somatic Experiencing approach to working with those affected by the Australian bushfires. Topics covered will address those directly affected by the bushfires and those experiencing secondary trauma.
Presented by Dr. Abi Blakeslee SE Faculty, Lisa LaDue LCSW & Joseph Riordan Moderated by Anna Foley
For further trauma resources go to or
(February 2020)
Looking for Dr. Blakeslee's Somatic Experiencing Informed Consent Form?
Click here to download the Informed Consent Form as a Word document. You have my full permission to edit this document and use it in your practice.
Accessing Implicit Memory Via Interoception
A Grounded Theory Investigation of Somatic Experiencing Practitioners’ First-Person Experiences and Clinical Observations
by Abi Blakeslee SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D 2008 - Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Santa Barbara Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA.
Additional Articles, Podcasts, Webinars
The Biology of Trauma 2.0 Summit 2022 - “Medical Trauma” with Abi Blakeslee and Dave Berger.
Conscious Parenting Podcast 2022
Emotional Regulation and Resilience, Emotional Detox Summit (2020)
Completion of Secure Attachment and Working with Relational Rupture and Repair Across a Lifespan: A Two Part Series, USABP Webinar (2019)
Beyond the Hurt: How Your Physiology Can Reconnect with Your Essential Self, Breaking Free from Abandonment and Betrayal Summit, AVAIYA (2019)
SE and Addiction Treatment, Radical Recovery Summit (2019)
Healing Sexual Trauma, Breaking the Silence Summit (2018)
Continuing the Dialogue between Psychoanalysis and Somatic Experiencing: Reply to Bass, Leddick, Levine, Blakeslee, Sylvae, and Lombardi, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 28:5, 640-645, DOI: 10.1080/10481885.2018.1506224. David Levit Ph.D., ABPP, SEP (2018)
Somatic Experiencing Introductory Workshop, Bozeman, MT (2017)
Somatic Experiencing Introductory Workshop, United States Association for Body Psychotherapy Webinar (2015)
Somatic Experiencing and Relational Repair, an Imago Webinar (2015)
Relational Rupture and Repair, A Somatic Developmental Perspective, United States Association for Body Psychotherapy Webinar with Dave Berger (2014)
Accessing Implicit Memory via Interoception Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute Webinar (2014)
Somatic Experiencing for Bodyworkers, Health Institute, Bozeman, MT (2014)
Working with Addiction: A physiological perspective, Introductory Workshop for Sierra Tuscon in Orange County, CA (2014)
Somatic Experiencing, Introductory Workshop for local Orange County Therapists, Orange County, CA (2013)
Using Somatic Principles for Group Psychotherapy, Guest Lecturer at for Ryokan University, Group Psychotherapy (March 2011)
Somatic Experiencing Introduction, Los Angeles, CA (2010)
Somatic Experiencing, Introductory Workshop for Orange County California Association for Marriage Family Therapists (OC CAMFT), Costa Mesa, CA (2008)
Accessing Implicit Memory via Interoception. Research Presentation at the first Annual Somatic Experiencing Conference, Berkeley, CA (October 2007)
Somatic Experiencing, Introductory Workshop for the Foundation for Human Enrichment (May/July/November 2006)
Trauma treatment for Thailand Tsunami Survivors, Training Thai doctors for the Foundation for Human Enrichment, Texas (March 2006)
Somatic Experiencing and Trauma Treatment for Children, Guest Lecturer for Vista Del Mar School Services (October and November 2005)
Renegotiating PTSD: Self-Care for Women Veterans, Key Note Speaker for Wilshire VA Hospital (September 2005)
Principles of Developmental Neurobiology of Attachment and Affect Regulation, Guest Lecturer at for Ryokan University, Developmental Biology and Psychology (August 2005 and March 2006)
Emotional First Aid: How to Help Trauma Victims, Presentation and lecture for Hollywood YMCA counseling and gym staff (July 2005)
Conflict Resolution, Presentation and lecture for Hollywood YMCA gym staff (May 2005)
Building Self-esteem in the Mind and Body, Key Note Speaker at Saddleback College’s Women’s Conference: Whole Woman; Healthy Woman, Mind, Body, and Soul (March 2005)
Group Therapy with Traumatized Clients, Guest Lecturer for Antioch University, Group Psychotherapy (February 2005)
Somatic Boundary Principles, classes and lectures for Community Counseling Center trainee, interns, and supervisors (August 2003)
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