Articles, Podcasts, and Trainings
Below you will find an amazing list of podcast episodes, articles, YouTube videos, and other resources that are helpful and informative.
Be sure to also check out my Group Consultations and Live Demo workshops, live Workshops and Events, Somatic Experiencing® faculty trainings, and the Online Trainings page for training options that are always available.
A Somatic Experiencing Approach to Working with Those Affected by the Australian Bushfires
This video is about A Somatic Experiencing approach to working with those affected by the Australian bushfires. Topics covered will address those directly affected by the bushfires and those experiencing secondary trauma.
Presented by Dr. Abi Blakeslee SE Faculty, Lisa LaDue LCSW & Joseph Riordan Moderated by Anna Foley
For further trauma resources go to or
(February 2020)
Additional Articles, Podcasts, Webinars
The Biology of Trauma 2.0 Summit 2022 - “Medical Trauma” with Abi Blakeslee and Dave Berger.
Conscious Parenting Podcast 2022
Emotional Regulation and Resilience, Emotional Detox Summit (2020)
Completion of Secure Attachment and Working with Relational Rupture and Repair Across a Lifespan: A Two Part Series, USABP Webinar (2019)
Beyond the Hurt: How Your Physiology Can Reconnect with Your Essential Self, Breaking Free from Abandonment and Betrayal Summit, AVAIYA (2019)
SE and Addiction Treatment, Radical Recovery Summit (2019)
Healing Sexual Trauma, Breaking the Silence Summit (2018)
Continuing the Dialogue between Psychoanalysis and Somatic Experiencing: Reply to Bass, Leddick, Levine, Blakeslee, Sylvae, and Lombardi, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 28:5, 640-645, DOI: 10.1080/10481885.2018.1506224. David Levit Ph.D., ABPP, SEP (2018)
Somatic Experiencing Introductory Workshop, Bozeman, MT (2017)
Somatic Experiencing Introductory Workshop, United States Association for Body Psychotherapy Webinar (2015)
Somatic Experiencing and Relational Repair, an Imago Webinar (2015)
Relational Rupture and Repair, A Somatic Developmental Perspective, United States Association for Body Psychotherapy Webinar with Dave Berger (2014)
Accessing Implicit Memory via Interoception Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute Webinar (2014)
Somatic Experiencing for Bodyworkers, Health Institute, Bozeman, MT (2014)
Working with Addiction: A physiological perspective, Introductory Workshop for Sierra Tuscon in Orange County, CA (2014)
Somatic Experiencing, Introductory Workshop for local Orange County Therapists, Orange County, CA (2013)
Using Somatic Principles for Group Psychotherapy, Guest Lecturer at for Ryokan University, Group Psychotherapy (March 2011)
Somatic Experiencing Introduction, Los Angeles, CA (2010)
Somatic Experiencing, Introductory Workshop for Orange County California Association for Marriage Family Therapists (OC CAMFT), Costa Mesa, CA (2008)
Accessing Implicit Memory via Interoception. Research Presentation at the first Annual Somatic Experiencing Conference, Berkeley, CA (October 2007)
Somatic Experiencing, Introductory Workshop for the Foundation for Human Enrichment (May/July/November 2006)
Trauma treatment for Thailand Tsunami Survivors, Training Thai doctors for the Foundation for Human Enrichment, Texas (March 2006)
Somatic Experiencing and Trauma Treatment for Children, Guest Lecturer for Vista Del Mar School Services (October and November 2005)
Renegotiating PTSD: Self-Care for Women Veterans, Key Note Speaker for Wilshire VA Hospital (September 2005)
Principles of Developmental Neurobiology of Attachment and Affect Regulation, Guest Lecturer at for Ryokan University, Developmental Biology and Psychology (August 2005 and March 2006)
Emotional First Aid: How to Help Trauma Victims, Presentation and lecture for Hollywood YMCA counseling and gym staff (July 2005)
Conflict Resolution, Presentation and lecture for Hollywood YMCA gym staff (May 2005)
Building Self-esteem in the Mind and Body, Key Note Speaker at Saddleback College’s Women’s Conference: Whole Woman; Healthy Woman, Mind, Body, and Soul (March 2005)
Group Therapy with Traumatized Clients, Guest Lecturer for Antioch University, Group Psychotherapy (February 2005)
Somatic Boundary Principles, classes and lectures for Community Counseling Center trainee, interns, and supervisors (August 2003)
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